as the day turns into night, and people start to feel sleepy.
they switch off their tv's and go get ready for everyones energy boost.
some may brush their teeth first, some juz go straight to the soft bed.
but over all everyone will end up doing the same thing...
yes everyone will need to sleep! their maybe insomniatics but they will feel sleepy eventually!
as the world turns and the other part of the world is waking up, their will be people going to sleep.
juz lyk me going to sleep!
ur done with ur tiring day, you tuck yourself into bed, or maybe get tucked into bed.
some need a bedtime story, some listens to their ipod to sleep, some juz cries themselves to sleep.
overall everyone has their uniqe way of sleeping :)
seriously ryt now if eel rili poetic, but i dont think its having a great progress... LOL!
ok watevs! gudnite to all the people! get ready for another tiring day infront on you.
i wonder what its lyk in america now! oh what am i saying! kevin shutup!
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